Blueberry-Lemon Sorbet

Immerse yourself in a refreshing burst of tangy sweetness with our Blueberry-Lemon Sorbet. This delightful creation combines the vibrant flavors of ripe blueberries and zesty lemons, resulting in a light and invigorating dessert that’s perfect for cooling down and savoring the joys of summer.


  • Ripe Blueberries: Plump and juicy blueberries are the star of this sorbet, infusing it with their natural sweetness and a burst of vibrant color.
  • Fresh Lemon Juice: Zesty and tangy lemon juice adds a citrusy kick that complements the blueberries, creating a harmonious balance of flavors.
  • Simple Syrup: A touch of simple syrup provides the necessary sweetness to the sorbet, ensuring a smooth and delectable texture.
  • Lemon Zest: Finely grated lemon zest enhances the aroma and brightens the flavor profile, creating a multi-dimensional sensory experience.


  1. Begin by blending ripe blueberries and freshly squeezed lemon juice until you achieve a smooth and vibrant mixture.
  2. Strain the blueberry-lemon mixture to remove any solids and create a smooth base for the sorbet.
  3. Prepare a simple syrup by dissolving equal parts of sugar and water over low heat. Allow it to cool before adding it to the blueberry-lemon mixture.
  4. Incorporate finely grated lemon zest into the mixture, infusing it with a fragrant aroma that enhances the overall experience.
  5. Pour the mixture into an ice cream maker and churn according to the manufacturer’s instructions until it reaches a smooth and frozen consistency.
  6. Transfer the sorbet to a lidded container and place it in the freezer to firm up further before serving.


Scoop the Blueberry-Lemon Sorbet into chilled bowls or glasses. Garnish with a sprinkle of lemon zest or a few fresh blueberries for an extra burst of color and flavor.


Savor each spoonful of the Blueberry-Lemon Sorbet as you experience the interplay of sweet blueberries and zesty lemon. The light and airy texture creates a refreshing sensation that cools you down and lifts your spirits.

Price: Blueberry-Lemon Sorbet (8 oz serving): $5.99

Indulge in the crisp and refreshing flavors of our Blueberry-Lemon Sorbet. Let the tangy sweetness of blueberries and the zesty kick of lemon create a symphony of tastes that awakens your palate and brings a burst of summer joy to every bite. Delight in the refreshing embrace of this delightful sorbet!